The Bright One

The Bright One

The Star Goddess

The Star Goddess

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wow! Was I ever surprised, shocked and amazed! Everyone completely fooled me with the planning of this party, and I was really touched by the effort that went into it. My mom mad the great posters, Elizabeth did the shirts, Hyla donated her house - and of course Ben. Oh and Jim made the beautiful and yummy cake and T did so much - and then couldn't be there.
The shirts were so great!
My mom made the wonderful posters.And my sweet husband engineered the whole thing.My son, Marley and my mom, Suzanne. To the right is the wall where they projected video of the band all night long - it was great!
30 Seconds to Mars has made me feel younger, more vital, energetic and inspired than I have in a long time. Which is a good thing! It is what we need from our artists.